My name is Ritesh. Thanks for checking us out!
A little about me. I have over 10 years experience as a real estate investor, and about half a decade helping clients navigate their real estate options.
I started this team because I wanted to challenge the idea we've all come to accept about real estate agents... you know what that is. So I committed to doing real estate differently; and it worked, and has translated into over 250 clients served at the highest level and an impact on the way people think and conduct real estate in the industry.
Every client has different needs when it comes to real estate. Our agent find new and exciting ways to give each client the work with the right information, service and expertise to get them to their real estate goals.
I love being active, reading and finding the occasional extreme activity (the last one was hiking an active volcano). I am an avid carpenter/furniture builder who loves working with my hands. I keep close to my neuroscience roots by volunteering on the board of the K.I.D.S. IQ Project, an international non-profit developing treatments for children with intellectual disability (ID) disorders—its fun to be able to contribute in this way and flex some old science muscles i don’t get to use much.
Let’s chat and find out how we can help you achieve your real estate goals!
- Ritesh
RDRE is helping clients truly succeed in real estate. How?
Ensuring each decision is supported by in-depth research.
Lifelong connections with clients represent the honesty and true intention to see them succeed.
Continuous investment into infrastructure and a complete back-end team provides full service support across the spectrum of buying, selling and investing.
This means better outcomes, experiences and data driven decisions for you.